Housing Supports

Are you looking for Housing or are you looking to Create A Home for your adult son or daughter? There is a difference.

As parents, our biggest concern is usually about housing and who will care for our children when we are gone. That is why it is important to ensure your child is signed up for Long Term Services & Supports or at least to have Supplemental Security Income (which brings Medicaid and Community First Choice attendant care) while your son or daughter waits on the endless waiting lists.

It is important to remember also that our son’s or daughter’s may not want to live in group home situations. Our children have grown up being able to eat what they want, go out in the community, attend religious services, have their own bedrooms/bathrooms, or shop with family. Those things don’t always happen in group homes which are usually understaffed. There will be “group” activities based on availability of staff and transportation. Other options may be needed. There is a move to ensure people with disabilities have choices when deciding on residential settings….not just in where they live, but with who they live with. It’s about creating their home, not just a place to live.

Funding for housing is also an issue. Saving money in an ABLE account or Special Needs Trust may be the best way to fund those private pay options.

Sometimes it will take parents working together to build an option. If one child has a waiver and another doesn’t, can two friends move into a place together and pool resources? It will take creativity, as well as trust between families to be successful. Innovative Independent Living Project has a manual that shows families how to coordinate family-directed housing situations along with using technology for support.

Here are some resources on housing and to learn more:

Housing Options:
Private Facilities and developments
Companion Care homes
Neighborhood Homes 
Managed & State Funded Group Homes
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